Tuesday 11 February 2014

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Above are examples in which I think I have been consistent with a house style and have linked all my tasks in different ways.
On my magazine advert and digipak front cover, the image in both are the same which shows clearly to my target audience that these products are linked. I feel this would benefit sales as the reader, of the magazine featuring my advert, will be able to quickly know that the CD advertised is the one feartured in the magazine. If a media consumer were to see my music video and then the digipak cover, they would be able to know this is the CD featuring the song played in the video as the girl is consistent in both.
The backgrounds in both my digipak and magazine advert follow a house style. This is used to create an automatic connection between digipak and advert for the reader. As its definition states, a house style is important for consistency in media products and can be crucical for keeping the readers attraction. The consistancy of having both backgrounds in my digipak and magazine advert as blue will help consumers of my product to associate the two style together. I also used blue in my ancillary tasks to create the theme of calm and denote a summers day sky, which usually is a happy connotation for my audience.
Another house style is my use of font. In all media texts that are connected in some way to advertise or promote a product, the same font is used. I already knew that my products had to be linked to each other but it wasn't until I looked at a previous students work that I saw that even the font, that I thought was just a small detail, made a big difference to the products. Kelly Chester, in her evaluation, mentioned that she automatically knew that her products had to have an underlying theme to each other, for example colour, font and pictures. The use of her font which she referred to as 'indie', because of her genre, made a big difference in creating the link as it was visually pleasing for her target audience. However, I knew that my target audience is a niche group and I couldn't have minimalistic attributes, such as only having the artist name and release date, to my magazine advertisement like Kelly Chester's because her target audience was much larger from her chose of genre being Indie and made by Ed Sheeran. Learning from her example, I made my fonts consistent and made them all white to stand out aganist the coloured background.
The brightly coloured design on the magazine advert and digipak is consistent of the bright colours used in the music video. I decided to use a hyperreal style in the video by making the colours brighter than the original shots to make it look nicer and more pleasing to the eye. By creating a glossier and nicer looking video clip it, it makes it consistent of the editing used on my digipak cover and magazine advertisement with which I made my original image look completely different in light and added make-up onto the face of my talent.
The genre Acoustic/pop usually has a nature sense to it where it may be set in a woods or park and would connote a calm atmosphere and a sense of freedom. This is why I used a long image of a tree on the inside of my digipak, that was edited to have bright colours on the top to be consistent of the bright colours on the front of the digipak. I also had shots of trees featured in my music video to tie in with the theme of freedom and calm created in my digipak inside. I feel that this is a house style and is an effective combination of my main product and ancillary tasks as it links the themes I wanted to connote and is a visual connection for my target audience.
The last effective combination of my ancillary tasks and main products is my use of animation in both my digipak and video. Two hearts are featured in my music video and were created as part of a message for the consumer, to love yourself. The Red Heart is to represent the Heart character and the White Heart for the Girl. By drawing these hearts in both my video and digipak helps reinforce the link between the video and ancillary task and allows a 'cute' aspect to both my video and digipak.
I feel that all of the links between my main product and ancillary texts are effective as they combine similar, or the same features, and will help my target audience automatically link the products together and show a house style.

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