Friday 6 December 2013

1st Digipak draft

1st complete digipak
As the video has two hearts connected by a message, I thought it would look nice to have them both on the digipack cover to show the link between video and CD case. I thought the writing would look best in white to not be too similar to the red heart next to it. I drew the heart on My Paint and copied them onto the digipak. I think this links well with my animation but I still want more colour.
5th changes

Going back to the 1st effect, I changed the background colour as to highlight the heart on the image. I then changed the writing of 'Hollie Smith' to white to go with the new colour of blue. Although I really liked this cover I felt that there was somthing missing to it. I have mentioned in my previous investigation into other digipaks that I would like to use bright colours to show happiness but none were present here. I tried out a full digipak notheless.
4th changes
The 2nd effect that I tried was 'Radience'. I was trying to create a sense of sunshine to the image and so used this effect to try and achieve that. It didn't work. I believe that the effect didn't work because it took away too much from the face and the writing. I also find that it looks a little odd and not like a digipak cover.
3rd changes
After cropping the image to make it more square shape, as a digipak cover it, I tried out a couple of effects. This effect is 'boken shapes'. I changed the shapes to a heart to go with the theme and added the extra 'glow' that was optional to the effect. I liked this effect but because the background was so light it wasn't very noticable. I also used the 'eyebrow pencil' effect on picmonkey to make her pupils darker and her eye make up. I thought the boken shapes effet took away from the colour of her eyes and so used the eyebrow pencil effect to highlight them.
2nd changes
Next, I increased the 'temperature' to create a warmer feel as I thought the song and album would be very light hearted and the original image looked a bit pale to be a pop genre album. I then added the name of the album and artist. I used red because of the connotation to a heart and green because it went well with the other two colours. 
1st change
I removed the background from the image and used to to make the following changes to the picture.
Original picture \/

This is the original picture that I took for my digipak. Although it's not the image I originally was going to use for the cover, I looked at other digipaks and thought that the genre I am going for tends to have an individual on the front, usually the artist/s. I didn't want to have it that way but I thought the genre will not be fully conveyed without it.

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