Tuesday 10 December 2013

Plan for Ancillary tasks- Magazine Advertisement

Largely black in colour, the magazine advertisement for Jessie J's album is very contrasting. With background behind her white and Jessie J's pale skin tone, she stands out from the black clothing and bottom section of the page. The large, gold 'Jessie J' indicates that the advertisement is trying to get the attention of the reader to be on the artist, as she is well known ... 

Unlike the previous example, the advertisement is trying to gain attention by using bright colours instead of very contrasting ones. Also, this advertisement depicts an ocean whereas the other had the artist as the main focus. This may be because this album is by band and do not want to have a single person on the cover, or because they're album is of alternative genre. Both seem to have the CD case on the front with a block colour underneath to include reviews, extra information about the CD or release dates.
This album is very colourful and suggests an alternative genre as it is unusual and doesn't concentrate on an artist/s. The block of blue at the bottom on the page ties in with the main colours of the digipak, blue and green, as well as it not being very in focus.
I like the surreal sense from this magazine advert and the way it has reviews at the bottom

Again, this advertisement has a lot of black on the page, like the first example, but it also contrasted by another colour mainly being white. Also like the Jessie J magazine advert the name of the artist/s is large, in the centre of the page. However, unlike the first advert, this one has a lot of bright colours from the centre. From closer inspection, it is clear to see that the images are coming from a person with there arms out to the side, in the position of a cross. From the name of the album 'Hold Me Down' it can be assumed that the advertisement is suggesting that the images and colours within the individual have been kept inside them and now they are being released. Like the other two examples it has a block colour at the bottom for information, such as the release date. This album seems to be from the rock genre as it uses a lot of black in the background but has a burst of colour which suggests the alternative genre as well.
From this advertisement, I like the way the colours have a theme and the release date being large because it shows the reader the main information after the band name. I also like how the name of the album and band are in the centre of the page because it draws the focus inwards, even with the colour. I will try to use these elements in my own work.

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