Friday 12 July 2013

1 minute video evaluation

Creativity- Initially I wanted to create a short film about the day in the life of a penny but as time went on I couldn't think of many ideas for it. So instead I made a video at my school where it would be easy to get 'extras' to be in the background. I have learnt for my next project to plan my ideas in advance so I can do a film idea I would rather do. I thought it would be comical to have the students 'escaping' the horrors of the crowded corridor as it is usually a task in the mornings of a normal school day. Also, many pupils don't like having the go from A floor, the bottom, to D floor and so I thought I would incorporate this into the film.

Research and planning- For planning, I made a story board of how to start a day in the life of a lost student. I had looked at a short film called 'The Desk' which was also set in a school and took ideas from that. I continued with my idea that the student should be lost and, as the school B floor corridor is usually very crowded, they should have some troubles with that for comical purposes.

Use of real media conventions- In 'The Desk' it starts with an establishing shot and so I wanted to show the heights of the stairs I was about to climb. I found it harder to get the whole school in a single shot so I panned up so more of the school could be seen, in a sort of establishing shot. Like in Awake he uses a point of view shot to show the emptiness of the street. I thought this should his isolation and so I thought using this would show the persons isolation whilst being lost. However, I used this shot throughout the whole piece.

Digital technology and Post-production- I filmed my piece in three longer takes. One, make my way to the top of the stairs to look in classrooms, once when I see Sarah down the corridor and another when I ran out of the school from the crowded corridor. On Final Cut Pro I learnt how to use Cross Dissolve to merge the scenes together so that there was a better flow to the piece. I also learnt how to use 'blade' with allows sections of a bit of film of music to become separated from the original piece of film. I used the blade tool when I wanted to fast forward the section where I climb the stairs so that just one bit was faster. I did the same effect when I run out of the school just to make the 'escape' more emphasised.
To create a voice over, I recorded what I want to say on 'GarageBand', saved it and then copied it onto my video.

Textual analysis

POV, throughout- creates a personal experience
Pan up- to show the height of the school

Editing techniques
Fast forward- to show that the time taken to climb the stairs was long
Cross dissolve- give the illusion of time passing

Voice over- thoughts of the student
Pupils talking to each other- acknowledgment of moved classroom
Background noise of other students

Mise en scene
Text book, held by Sarah
Pupils in corridor

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